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Learn More About Our Focus Areas

Hunger Eradication

According to the World Food Programme, a majority of Kenyans have limited access to the right quantities of nutritious foods. With over 36% of the country living below the international poverty line, there are a significant number of Kenyans going without food throughout random days in a week.

Like every other part around Africa, Hunger and Malnutrition in Kenya results from multiple factors, including poverty, inefficient food systems, slow agricultural production, and climate change. While governments and other involved stakeholders have come in handy in supplying foods through food relief programs, such methodologies, as applied, are only effective temporarily as the food lasts.

Lifelong Foundation employs sustainable models designed to curb hunger and malnutrition both in the short-term and long-term. We major on building on the society’s self-reliance by providing individuals and families with tools and knowledge on how to increase food production in their farms and micro spaces. In addition to providing nutritious food to meet the daily basic need of specific people, Lifelong Foundation offers basic skills necessary to earn a notable living


Education is a focus area for Lifelong Group Limited, we believe in access to quality education as fundamental human right. Our initiatives are aimed at improving access and quality of education, and promoting lifelong learning

education focus area
education focus area


Investing in healthcare is investing in the future. At Lifelong Group Limited, we believe in providing access to quality healthcare for all, and that's why we have made healthcare one of our focus areas. Our initiatives are aimed at improving access to healthcare services, promoting health education, and supporting research and development. We work in collaboration with healthcare professionals, researchers and non-profit organizations to achieve our goals. Join us in our effort to build a healthier world for all.

Economic Empowerment

At Lifelong Group Limited, we understand that economic empowerment is key to sustainable development. Our focus on economic empowerment includes initiatives are aimed at promoting financial literacy, creating job opportunities and supporting small businesses. We believe that by empowering individuals and communities economically, we can build a more sustainable and equitable future for all

education focus area
education focus area

Shelter Provision

Shelter Provision is a focus area for Lifelong Group Limited, we believe in providing access to affordable and sustainable housing. Our initiatives are aimed at increasing access to housing, promoting sustainable housing practices and supporting housing research and development

Child Abuse Alienation

Child Abuse Alienation is a focus area for Lifelong Group Limited, we believe in protecting children from harm and promoting their well-being. Our initiatives are aimed at preventing and addressing child abuse, promoting child welfare, and supporting research and awareness campaigns on the issue

education focus area